Is It Okay to Apply for a Different Position While Under Review in a Position in the Same Comapny

I have vivid memories from my hiring days of going through applications for various roles and finding that ane person who decided to submit an application for every single one. Information technology happened more than yous'd think—and honestly, it happened more than fifty-fifty I predictable when I was new to recruiting. Still, equally I started reviewing more than and more resumes, i thing became apparent: Somewhere out there is a person who is apparently telling people that the all-time way to get an employer's attention is to employ for equally many of their opening as humanly possible.

Nonetheless, this is normally not the case. And I get it. There are situations in which yous think this is the best possible idea. To avoid losing out on a potential dream position, hither are a few of the most common times you'll be tempted to apply for everything—and what to do instead.

1. Your Dream Company (Finally) Has Multiple Open Jobs

Common wisdom might say that most "dream" companies are always hiring, simply that'southward just not e'er the example. If an organization hasn't e'er had open roles, and of a sudden posts a couple of chore descriptions to their careers site, it'southward tempting to throw caution to the wind and say, "Let'south see how many times I tin get my resume in front of the hiring managers." The trouble is that if they hire this infrequently, the fact that you're applying for everything will make a first impression that might exist too much to overcome.

What to Practise Instead

Of course, if there'due south a specific opening at your dream company that you think you lot'd be a skilful fit for, go alee and employ. However, if the organization's posted a handful of gigs that you simply do not take the skills for, show a lilliputian restraint and try something different. For example, recollect about reaching out to express your interest in the company and requesting a coffee meeting—afterwards that, when a part becomes available that you are the right fit for, you'll already be on the radar.

2. Y'all Tin can't Determine Betwixt Two Jobs at a Not bad Company

This is the best case scenario, correct? Well, yep. Still, it'southward important to remember that unless you're applying to work for a company that employs hundreds of recruiters, the odds are that the same people will run across your application materials for both roles multiple times. And while this won't necessarily disqualify you from either one, it will put a lot of doubt in their minds well-nigh how interested in the company you are.

What to Do Instead

Muse author Sara McCord discusses how to choose betwixt 2 open jobs. For starters, she suggests starting by thinking most what you lot actually want to practice—and what y'all're qualified for (when you're existence completely honest with yourself). As she points out, past applying only to one, you're non closing the door to the other. If y'all're a articulate fit for the part yous didn't go afterward, there's a good chance that you might be pushed in that direction.

3. You're Yet Unsure of What You Actually Desire

This is probably the trickiest time you'll exist tempted to submit your resume for every opening you find. I've been there, and honestly, I get it. Things seem incredibly unclear, and if you're anything similar me during a long job search, it feels like yous're more than productive when you need both hands to count how many positions you've applied for on whatever given mean solar day.

What to Practice Instead

There's only so much that you can learn from constantly applying for every single affair you encounter posted online, especially when you're doing so at the same company. The solution to this is relatively unproblematic—fifty-fifty though it might not produce firsthand results: Lean on your network for help.

Ready informational interviews with people in industries that you're currently interested in. Enquire your former bosses and colleagues what you excelled at and what kind of part they tin see you excelling in. And, equally Whitney Johson, author of Disrupt Yourself: Putting the Ability of Confusing Innovation to Work, recommends in an article on figuring out what you're good at, ask yourself these 4 questions:

1. What skills have helped y'all thrive?
ii. What makes y'all experience stiff?
3. What fabricated you stand out every bit a child?
4. What compliments do y'all tend to ignore?

These conversations, fifty-fifty with yourself (maybe especially with yourself) aren't necessarily fun—but they'll make it far easier to see what you do really want.

Sometimes in the centre of a hard task search, it's only natural to look at multiple openings at the aforementioned company and think, "I desire to work there, so why wouldn't I apply more than once?" Nonetheless, the truth is that recruiters tend to remember people who submit applications for multiple roles—and not always in a skilful way. Earlier you lot potentially cost yourself an opportunity at an amazing company, take a deep breath, think almost what yous want, and get after the office that's right for you lot.

Photograph of person thinking courtesy of Images

Richard Moy

Richard Moy is a Content Marketing Author at Stack Overflow. He has spent the majority of his career in talent management, including a stint as a full-wheel recruiter and hiring director. In add-on to the career advice he contributes to The Muse, he likewise writes exam prep and higher educational activity marketing content for The Economist. Say hi on Twitter @rich_moy or follow his blog.

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