what would jesus not want you to say


Followers of Jesus?

Some Christians, especially many political Christians, are the most intolerant people in the world. They don't believe in free speech. If you went into a church and critiqued the bible or Jesus, you would meet a level of anger and hostility hot enough to burn down the church building down. They just believe in believing and taking everything in the bible at face value, non critiquing information technology, or discussing any contradictions or highly unlikely occurrences depicted in the Bible.

They say they're followers of Jesus just are they really?


Punishing Sinners

Take the consequence of being gay or lesbian. Some of these people hate gays and then much, that just the sight of someone openly gay, sends them into a fit of intense hostility. Only the sight of a effeminate gay homo, makes some of them want to attack him, kill him or make him wish he were dead. They say it'south a sin and I guess they think the sinners need to be punished.

But what did Jesus exercise when he was asked about punishing a "sinner" the woman defenseless in infidelity?

He said" "Permit whatever one of yous who is without sin be the showtime to throw a stone at her." After everyone dropped their stones and walked abroad because they had all sinned. What did Jesus say to the woman? Jesus straightened upward and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you,"Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." (John 8:10-11)

Do those Christians who are intolerant, act that way toward those gay people, they see as sinners? I think that answer would be a resounding no! They even want to deprive gay people of their rights as American citizens.


Helping the Poor

And what's the attitude of those ultra conservative Christians toward the poor?

They don't want the "government' to help those in need, because they should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, even if they don't have any bootstraps! Lol!

Simply what was Jesus' mental attitude toward the poor? "The crowd replied, "What do you desire us to do?" "If you have two coats," he replied, "give ane to the poor. If you have extra food, requite it abroad to those who are hungry." Luke iii:10-11.

Are they actually Christians, in more than just name, if they don't exercise what Jesus said they should exercise about sharing what they have with the poor?

The bourgeois Christians, complain, that the poor don't pay whatever taxes or very lilliputian taxes, and seemed to have a potent, hostile aversion to helping the poor or those less fortunate than they are.


Who Pays the Most Taxes?

But what did Jesus say most who actually pays the nigh taxes? "And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two minor copper coins, which amount to a cent. Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to yous, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their surplus, merely she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to alive on." (Mark 12:41-43)

Do the bourgeois Christians share Jesus' cess nigh who pays the well-nigh taxes? I don't call up so.

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Thinking You're Better Than Others

What did Jesus say about those who remember they are better than others, and want to be looked up to, and similar to sit in the best seats in the business firm? He said "Beware of the scribes who similar to walk around in long robes, and like respectful greetings in the market places, and master seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets, who devour widows' houses, and for appearance'south sake offer long prayers; these will receive greater condemnation."

Does this mean you lot shouldn't sit in the best seats or be appreciated for your accomplishments. No it doesn't. It means you shouldn't "lord it" over others. Or have the need to look downward on others, because you're been more fortunate than they are.

What Jesus Did and What He Said!

It's popular to hear many people proverb "What would Jesus do?" When being perplexed past some issue. I thought that writing this, would exist a good way to remind those who, pay lip service, or who espouse to being followers of Jesus; non only what he did, but besides what he said!

Answer This Question! Thanks!

© 2016 VC Fifty Veasey

Alice Njambi from Nairobi, Kenya on June 16, 2020:

Hullo. We're all sinners for certain, and it'south non practiced to judge others. Only God can gauge.

But, I must say that the act of homosexuality is wrong. And, it'south unfortunate that Hollywood continues to increment the appearance of gay characters in their movies and series. It is leaving an impression on viewers, which is increasing the number of gay and lesbian people.

It'southward surely incorrect. Naught about homosexuality makes sense. Sex was intended for procreation, not pleasure. Gay people cannot reproduce, and then what they're doing makes zero sense. They're just driven past bodily desires.

jonnycomelately on Nov 01, 2018:

Vveasey, you lot take written and then many hubs concerning the true nature of religious minds, nonetheless your words fail to impact the deeper reaches of individuals' "self noesis."

Hypocrisy is hither to stay, unfortunately.

It was the one mental attitude that plain angered ane wise man, two centuries agone.

Mel on October 31, 2018:

Would yous dice for Jesus (I would) yet im not a Christian, Christianity angers me, the wealthiest establishment in the world even so otfer no assistance to the needy.. I don't go to church building yet I'one thousand Greek Orthodox. You see God and Jesus are the only two I believe in and for Jesus I lay my life down..

waynebartosh on March 22, 2018:

Followers of Jesus do not detest anyone nor do we wish anyone harm. On the contrary nosotros honey and pray for anybody. If the person brought to Jesus would accept been caught in the act of homseuality He would take said the very same thing he said to the adultress. Go, therefore and SIN NO MORE. It's not the the homosexual that the bible condemns it's homosexuality. The person is not the abomination the human activity is. The bible condemns the human action of homosexuality not the homosexual. Jesus tells the Adultress and the homosexual the aforementioned thing. "Go and sin no more" No more infidelity, no more homosexuality, no more than sin of whatsoever kind. We will attempt and nosotros will fail but assertive in Jesus and the salvation and forgiveness he paid for with His suffering and Death and confirmed past His resurrection is Not a free license to sin. Amen and God Anoint....

CharlesDickens696 on January 09, 2018:

I love, Jesus Christ. My lord and savior.

VC L Veasey (author) from Detroit,MI on August 09, 2016:

Thanks for your comment Jonny! Longtime no talk!

jonnycomelately on August 09, 2016:

We are told that "He" despised hypocrisy.

For me, that says it all.

Cheers for this hub.

(And thousand'solar day to you Eric.)

VC 50 Veasey (author) from Detroit,MI on August 09, 2016:

Thanks Eric! Glad y'all capeesh it!

Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on August 09, 2016:

Wonderful. Good stuff. Throughout all my life I got the best compliment in the whole world just yesterday. A friend of 35+ years told me I was the least judgmental person he knew. We must daily use our best judgment in things such equally driving, raising our children, cooking and even walking. But if we gauge the worth of another we are the biggest hypocrites in the earth.


Source: https://owlcation.com/humanities/What-did-Jesus-say-or-do

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